Who are we ?

OHRN Committee 2024/2025

Quentin McDonald
Quentin's has recently retired after a 30-year career as a computational chemist with Schrödinger Inc. working in computational modelling, machine learning and data visualisation. He has been involved in local predator control efforts and runs a couple of community trap lines on private and public land.
Malcolm Long
Secretary, Communications, Operations
Malcolm has a background in science and mathematics teaching as well as educational administration. He is associated with the Friends of Farnley Reserve and the Laura Kent Workgroup.
Kay Robertson
Kay brings a financial background in tax and investments to her role in OHRN. She also takes a leading role in Predator Free Ōpāwaho.
Rachel Barker
Rachel’s background is in conservation having worked on community partnerships for the Department of Conservation. She leads a group at the Ferrymead Heathcote Saltmarsh on the lower river.
Jenny Bond
Jenny Bond
Jenny has worked in regional council, civil construction, community group and central government. She is passionate about finding the best ways to share scientific knowledge so that everyone can understand it and then go on to make positive behaviour choices for our awa and moana.
Sally Coates
Sally has a background in river engineering, flood protection, and water management. She is particularly interested in water quality issues in the catchment.
Suzanne Furkert
Suzanne is a scientist who has worked mainly in product development and renewable energy. She has a passion for science communication and improving the health and appreciation of our rivers and water resources.
Miria Goodwin
Miria is a local resident with a passion for rivers and community connection. She has worked for Environment Canterbury as a water policy analyst, writer and facilitator for the last ten years.
Lynette Hartley
Lynette Hartley
Lynette has a PhD in Ecology, focusing on bird behaviour. She has worked in conservation in science-based roles in the Department of Conservation and as a collections technician for Canterbury Museum. Lynette is associated with the Westmorland East Valley Reserve community group and is a talented illustrator.
Annabelle Hasselman
Annabelle, a Life Member of OHRN. has a background in geography, landscape architecture and water management. She was recently Chair of the Christchurch West Melton Zone Committee.
Alisdair Hutchison
A foundation member, Alisdair brings to the Network a lengthy involvement with the Avon-Heathcote Estuary. He has experience working in Government on environmental issues and in the community establishing and running environmental NGO’s. Alisdair is a Honorary Life Member of the Avon Heathcote Estuary Ihutai Trust.
Finn Jackson
Finn is a south Christchurch local with a background in environmental law, politics and climate change strategy/policy. He coordinates the Friends of Riverlaw Esplanade Reserve.
Tim Lindley
Tim Lindley
Tim is now in his third term representing Heathcote Ward on the Waihoro Spreydon Cashmere Heathcote Community Board, following a career in science, business development, and project management for the health and food industry sectors. He is also on the boards of the Coastal Pathway Group and the Estuary Trust.
Colin Meurk
Colin is an ecological scientist at Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research. He has over 40 years of experience in grass roots environmental action, research and the teaching of urban ecology and nature conservation.
David Sutherland
David Sutherland
David has qualifications in urban development and resource management. He has experience with hearings under the Resource Management Act and has been part of both the Avon Heathcote Estuary Trust, and Forest and Bird.
Kirsten Taylor
Kirsten has a background in bioprocess engineering, science, and brewing. She has a passion for sustainability and planetary justice, completing a Master of Sustainable Practice Degree in 2022. Kirsten is actively involved in monitoring three sites (Citizen Science) on the Ōpāwaho/Heathcote River.
Chrissie Williams
After 15 years as a teacher, 10 years as a City Councillor and 8 years helping Christchurch recover from the earthquakes, Chrissie is no longer in full-time employment but is involved as a volunteer with a number of organisations. Chrissie is always trying to reduce our negative impact on our ecosystems.
Claire Woolf
Claire has a background in wildlife biology and project management, and coordinates the Somerfield/Lower Cashmere Predator Free Group. Having moved to Christchurch, she is excited to participate in advocating for the health of her new home catchment."

We are always looking for people with a range of skills to continue the growth and development of the Ōpāwaho Heathcote River Network. Come along to one of our committee meetings, held on the 4th Tuesday of the month at the South Library Board Room at 7:00pm or contact the Chair of OHRN

How we work

Our commitment to a healthy group culture includes:

Ground rules

  • Communicating openly, honestly and clearly
  • Being courteous, listening and not interrupting others
  • Being supportive, respectful & peaceful
  • Being responsible for self and reflective of actions

Our Journey

  • Enjoy the journey towards our vision and purpose for the River
  • Celebrate our success
  • Use consensus decision making
  • Work with the energy, enthusiasm and skill of the group
  • Be adaptable and open to opportunities
  • Work collaboratively with others
  • Continue to develop our shared kaupapa with iwi

Our Constitution

The first written constitution was signed in 2017.  However, in July 2021, a new set of rules was drafted and accepted.

July 2021 Constitution of OHRN

Steam Wharf Stream

Research into OHRN effectiveness

As part of the New Zealand Biological Heritage/Ngā Koiora Tuku Iho (BioHeritage) National Science Challenge, researchers from the Cawthron Institute  investigated the effectiveness of OHRN, one of three collectives selected for the study. The intention of the research was to understand the potential of collectives to to connect and amplify community environmental action, and to identify how to set collectives up for success.


Click image to read the Research Report

Our History

A complete narrative tracing the formation of OHRN from its first faint possibility in 2013 to its incorporation in 2017 is available here.  The milestones along the way are shown below.


Idea for organisation  initiated as response to lack of integrated river management


Community meetings and facilitated workshops lead to Working Group being set up.

First Mother-of-all-Clean-ups on river.

18 June 2016

Formal community vote on establishment of OHRN

First official submission on CCC LTP

22 November 2017

Constitution adopted; Society Incorporated

Co-Chair: Karen Whitla & Helene Mautner

June 2018

Chair: Annabelle Hasselman

Annual submissions to CCC & ECan commence

July 2021

New constitution adopted

Springs project commenced

June 2023

Chair: Quentin McDonald

June 2023

Chair: Quentin McDonald

Cawthron Insitute research into OHRN