This is a short walk to invite you to discover some of the historical and natural treasures of Woolston, a suburb that has played an important role in the development of the city of Christchurch. The circular walk will take about one hour and follows along both sides of the Opāwāho/Heathcote River. The starting point is the Christchurch Quay located on the corner of Richardson Terrace and Ferry Road, but you can join the walk at any place along the route.
Click each number on this map to discover information about what used to be here, or still is. On the ground at each location you will also discover a marker that has a QR code which will also take you to this information.
Start/finish the walk here
Christchurch Quay
Christchurch Quay was the first wharf built along the Ōpāwaho Heathcote River, 1851
Woolston Borough Monument
Woolston, proclaimed as a borough in 1893, was once a teeming industrial site, with waste to go with it.
Radley Bridge, built in 1930
Radley Bridge is the second bridge on this site. The first version was a steel, single-lane swing bridge.
Aikman's Wharf & raupō
Aikman's Wharf- site of the first bonded warehouse outside of Lyttleton
Raupō reeds were a rich resource.
Langdown's Wharf
Langdown's Wharf - two lime kilns operated close to this wharf from which goods could be transported anywhere.
Tuna, Inanga and pollution
Looking in the Water - the mysterious life of eels, an important spawning ground for Inanga; and it is polluted!
Union Wharf
Union Wharf - built for the coal and timber trades
Woolston Cut
Woolston Cut and Barrage - an important lesson in understanding the river
Birds on the water - the river is an important habitat for a number of native birds
Radley Park
Radley Park - has its own rich history to tell mostly of food and farming.
Laura Kent Reserve
Laura Kent Reserve - there are so few reserves named after women. Who was she?
Trees and flora in this area
Trees and flora - common trees and shrubs from this area
This walk was prepared for you by the Laura Kent Reserve Workgroup, a volunteer group which is part of the Opāwāho Heathcote River Network. The workgroup meets on the first Saturday of every month, 9.00-11.00am to act as kaitiaki of this area.