What we do
We meet on the last Sunday of the month, 10.00 – 11.00am followed by morning tea.
Anyone is most welcome to join us! Send our coordinator an e-mail to get added to our list, or look out for our working bee signs.
Volunteer Coordinator: Miria Goodwin (miriagoodwin@gmail.com)
Who are we?
We are a small group of local residents, OHRN members and scout groups who come together to care for and restore the Waimokihi – part of the Ōpāwaho Heathcote River that runs alongside Centennial Park in Somerfield.
Starting in December 2022, we noticed that some recent planting done by a local school needed some weeding and offered to help. We now look after one section of the area Our Lady of Assumption School has planted, keeping in connection with that school as ‘neighbouring volunteers’. A bit further along are new plants looked after by Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o te whanau Tahi, and we’re all keeping in contact to restore this special part of the awa. We’re supported by CCC Rangers, and in 2023 have had some weed trees removed and enjoyed two planting days.