Rapaki Road Invert


Rapaki Road was formerly known as Whites Road.  It is very old roadway used by the early settlers as an alternative way to Christchurch from Lyttelton.
Re‐named Rapaki Road in 1914.

The Rapaki Road Invert is shown in red., The green lines are stormwater pipes. Click to enlarge

About the waterway

This waterway has not been sighted other than at its outfall at the river.

Where it joins the river

Img 2873
The outfall of the Rapaki Road Invert near the entrance to king George V Reserve on Anysley Terrace.. Click to enlarge

Historical maps

Drainage Board plan from late 1930s.. Click to view original.
A street map dated to circa 1948 with the waterways that contribute to the river clearly marked. Click to enlarge