Bunz Stream spring

A baseline survey of a Bunz Stream spring

A baseline ecological survey of a large spring in Bunz Stream, part of the Te Kuru wetland, was carried out for the Ōpāwaho Heathcote River Network by EOS Ecology in February, 2024.  The intention of the survey was to establish an understanding of the health of the spring ecosystem at that point in time.

What did the survey cover?

The survey included

  • water quality parameters
  • habitat (including riparian margins)
  • bethnic macroinvertebrates (aquatic animals without backbones that live on the bottom of water bodies)
  • fish.

What the survey found

Bunz Spring has a “moderate” overall aquatic ecological value based on methodology that has been modified for freshwater environments.
Staff from EOS Ecology and Sally Coates from OHRN surveying the Bunz spring

Water quality

Water quality in the spring is generally good and parameter measurements did not throw up anything unexpected. Results were either in line with other surface water monitoring nearby (eg nitrates) or characteristic of groundwater (eg dissolved oxygen). That is to say, the water quality in the spring is dependent on the quality of the groundwater which feeds it which in turn reflects the recharge source (Waimakariri River with a Port Hills runoff component), aquifer geology and land use practices (which enable and/or provide contaminant contributions).

Habitat and riparian margins

Habitat and riparian conditions were moderate in general, with no bank erosion and with diverse vegetation. However, the canopy cover was minimal (but showing good potential for greater coverage) and fine sediment cover is high (as is typical in a groundwater-fed freshwater spring). Growth of submerged aquatic plants is steady, with high nutrient levels and low canopy cover – and subject to regular channel maintenance.

Benthic macroinvertebrates

The benthic macroinvertebrate community (MCI and QMCI) scores were “poor”, with low overall diversity. Regular channel disturbance is a factor in these scores.


Four fish species (including the at-risk inanga Galaxias maculatus) were found, all common to lowland streams, suggesting that there is good connectivity to the sea.

Read the report

Click the image below to read the full report of the ecological baseline survey of the Bunz Stream spring.


If you would like to visit this spring, you can directions and a map here