What we do
We meet at the entrance to the reserve on Major Aitken Drive each Friday at 9.00am.
We plant trees, shrubs and grasses, eradicate weed species and undertake minor maintenance tasks.
Anyone is most welcome to join us!
Volunteer Coordinator: Andrew Craig
021 146 1092
Who are we?
We are a small group of local residents who come together to care for and restore the reserve.
Coronation Reserve was originally part of the grounds of the Cashmere Sanitorium, a tuberculosis hospital which opened in 1914. Following the discharge of the final tuberculosis patient in the 1960s, the sanatorium complex became the site of Coronation Hospital, before it too closed in 1991. Construction company, Fulton Hogan, demolished the last of the complex to make way for the Broad Oaks subdivision which surrounds the Coronation Reserve. The reserve acts to retain very steep hillside, and to control stormwater moving through the valley.
The Coronation Reserve volunteers started work in 2019 following a City Council planting day.