Rebuild or Repair
The South Library is slated for repair or rebuild, and yet it is only 20 years old. What can the river possibly have to do with it all?
The South Library is slated for repair or rebuild, and yet it is only 20 years old. What can the river possibly have to do with it all?
Click to open the 2022 Annual Report
The Ferrymead Heathcote Saltmarsh is largely restoring itself amongst shallow ponds created by the City Council.
A research opportunity for a university student who is interested in the environment – our Springs Project.
Here’s a summary of what is happening and where the community action is taking place.
It is time to talk about our cats – our urban cats in particular – and what we can do about their hunting down of our native birds and reptiles.
One of the sources of sediment, particularly on the hills, is from building sites. Each time we open the surface of the land, we give water the opportunity to wash building sediment into the river.
OHRN is embarking on the effect of climate change on the river and its community, with the support of funding from the Christchurch City Council’s Environment Partnerships Fund.
You can help reduce the level of dissolved zinc in the river by painting your roof.
For those who live near the Ōpāwaho Heathcote River, the options available to avoid being flooded out are narrowing down towards one.
The Council is required to stop treating it as an actual drain and to treat it as a taonga. That involves us – those who live beside it – as well as our local government.
Why the Ōpāwaho Heathcote River is brown after rainfall, why it matters and what can be done about it. What can be done to improve the health of our river?
Take a few moments to appreciate all that the river brings to our lives is important – for the river and for us.
What can a dog owner do in dealing to dog poo, apart from the obvious? Here is a staged approach to what dog owners might accomplish.
Here’s to 2022 and what the Ōpāwaho Heathcote River can hope for in the year.
Fewer public rubbish bins. Could a solution to the amount of rubbish in our parks and waterways be just, “Take it home!”
Excessive flows in the wastewater network are due to high levels of rainwater inflow and groundwater infiltration.
A copper-clad house requires a special filtration system to prevent copper polluting stormwater from entering local waterways.
Will the new Stormwater and Land Drainage Bylaw stop large warehouses covered in unpainted zinc-plated steel from polluting the river?
The Christchurch City Council is seeking feedback on a new bylaw to monitor and control industrial stormwater pollution.
A Christmas river wishlist for the Ōpāwaho Heathcote River – give it something it needs!
Headwater wetland earthworks near and in the Cashmere Stream are creating retention basins, preventing flooding and reducing sediment.
In the field of freshwater, a new phrase – Te Mana o Te Wai – keeps appearing. What is it and what are its implications?
The result of twenty members of Ōpāwaho Heathcote River Network completing a two-day workshop on the Treaty of Waitangi.