Rossmore terrace is named after the Rossmore family. The Rossmores were English aristocrats with connections to the Westenra family. Captain Richard Westenra (1794‐1880) was a “grandson of a former Lord Rossmore”. Frederick Herbert Wilson (1832‐1902) and Frances Sarah Wilson, née Westenra, (1831‐1903) named their eldest son Rossmore Cracroft Wilson (1863‐1942). The road first appears in street directories in 1921.
Rossmore Terrace Drain
About the waterway
The history of the waterway’s creation is not recorded but probably dates to before the land was subdivided for housing.
The waterway is largely a wood-lined channel that turns into a swale at its higher end. It is largely designed to collect stormwater runoff from associated residential sections, but also manages to collect some low-flow spring water along the way and has a trickling base flow throughout the year. The Paulus Terrace Drain joins the Rossmore Terrace Drain providing drainage from Kidson Terrace and intervening properties.
The Rossmore Terrace Drain open channel ends at Centaurus Road where it joins a 900mm piped culvert beside the road for a 230m run to the outfall beside the junction with Sloan Terrace.