June 17, 2022

The Newest Saltmarsh

The newest saltmarsh

blankRestoration continues to be all quiet on the Saltmarsh front. This is just how it’s meant to be, according to Andrew Crossland of the Christchurch City Council.

The newest saltmarsh

“Brass Button”, Cotula coronopifolia

Restoration amongst the ponds The Ferrymead Heathcote Saltmarsh is largely restoring itself amongst shallow ponds created by the City Council. Just off the Tunnel Road motorway near the roundabout over the Ōpāwaho Heathcote River you’ll see these ponds fill daily with saltwater from the tide that pushes up the river. The saltwater creates the conditions for salt-tolerant plants to naturalise, such as the beautiful wee “brass button” plant, Cotula coronopifolia. Another plant that proliferates is the distinctive saltmarsh ribbonwood, Plagianthus divaricatus.

Restoration on higher ground Meantime, a group of us are planting the higher ground. Thanks to helpers from Heathcote Valley and beyond, Council Rangers, and Conservation Volunteers NZ we’re gradually planting coastal shrubs on slightly higher ground. We’ve experimented with cardboard covers to protect plants from browsing rabbits and hares. While this has stopped much of the grazing, winds have buffeted and torn the cardboard. Perhaps using mesh plant protectors would have worked better!

Next planting opportunity Please join us on our next planting date. Just turn up! Or contact rachelmarybarker@gmail.com

Next planting: Friday 8 July, 9.30 – 11.30am
Where: Just off the Tunnel motorway, near the roundabout and the very tall pine trees and walking track.

The newest saltmarsh
The team enjoys the rewards of a quick cuppa!