July 15, 2021

Te Kākahu Kahukura


What we do

Te Kākahu Kahukura is part of the overarching 2050 Ecological Vision for Banks Peninsula/Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū aiming to facilitate and co-ordinate native forest revegetation and restoration on the Southern Port Hills.

The vision is that by 2050 the Southern Port Hills has a thriving and resilient indigenous forest supporting an abundance of native birds and invertebrates.  The project will help to facilitate and co-ordinate native forest revegetation and restoration on the Southern Port Hills.


Sarah Bisley – Administrator: enquiries@bpct.org.nz or telephone: +64 (03) 329 6340

Sophie Hartnell – TKK Restoration Coordinator sophie.hartnell@bpct.org.nz

Who we are

This is a landowner and community driven initiative facilitated by the Banks Peninsula Conservation Trust (BPCT). The project Working Group comprises members from Banks Peninsula Conservation Trust, Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke, Brailsfords Ltd, Christchurch City Council, Living Springs, Otamahua/Quail Island Ecological Restoration Trust, Selwyn District Council, Summit Road Society, Te Ara Kakariki, Whakaraupō/Lyttelton Healthy Harbour and various landowners.


Community Groups