Pick Up 5 is an enduring campaign brought to you by the Mother-of-All-Clean-Ups Committee and the Community Waterways Partnership, Christchurch, New Zealand.

Pick Up 5 – the WHY
Litter can be found everywhere, it’s unsightly and we all know that it is bad for the environment. Clearing litter from our public spaces and waterways is too big a task for any individual, group or the Council. But if lots of us each do a little bit then, collectively, we can reduce the harm and restore the health and look out for our shared spaces.
Pick Up 5 – HOW
Take a moment to Pick Up 5 pieces of litter when you are out in the spaces that mean the most to you. Maybe it’s your favourite beach or the nearby hills where you walk. Maybe it’s the sports field where you play, along the walk to a cafe, the gutter in front of your house, or on the route of your daily commute. It is so easy to walk past litter so the challenge is to pick it up – just five pieces – and dispose of it appropriately. Take a bag – take it home.
Pick Up 5 – Is there any point?
There are so many good potential outcomes from Pick Up 5.
- Saving our wildlife: It is not too extreme to say that the more litter we prevent from entering our rivers, streams and oceans, the more wildlife like birds, fish and ocean mammals we save from cruel death through strangulation, ingesting plastic and pollution of their habitat.
- Mental Health: While the world’s environmental issues are too massive for you to make a significant difference, you CAN make a difference to your local environment…and having that positive outlet for your concern for the environment is good for your mental health as well.
- Waterway health: Every piece of plastic that we can prevent from ending up in our waterways is a win for the waterways eco-system.
- Community Action: The collective action of community members improving the cared-for look of public spaces improves community atmosphere for everyone, even for those who are not motivated to reduce littering.
- Litter reduction: Research by Keep NZ Beautiful indicates that less litter in a particular area in itself can lead to reduced littering behaviour.
Pick Up 5 was launched in Christchurch on 21 September, 2023
Pick Up 5 – Can anyone join in?
Yes! Just do it! Spread the word! We are very happy for the concept, the logo and the other resources we have prepared to be used by any inidivual, group or organisation which wants to improve the environment. Place the logo on your website or use it on a Facebook post. We don’t mind so long as the environment is winning.
Pick Up 5 – What if we are not in Christchurch?
It doesn’t matter where you live in New Zealand, just change the wording at the top of the poster if you wish (there is an image for download in resources that will allow you to do just that!) or design your own.
Pick Up 5 – What resources are available?
We have produced downloadable electronic copies of a poster, a Facebook image, a pull-up banner, flag and a DL flyer. The pull-up banners and flags themselves may be borrowed by Community Waterways Partnership members.
Pick Up 5 – What cost is involved in downloading these resources?
No cost at all! The idea is for the concept to spread far and wide and be taken up in as many places and by as many people as possible…go for it!
Pick Up 5 Resources